Our Rights, Roles and Responsibilities

Rebels in Somalia
I believe every citizen should have certain inalienable rights that can never be taken away, and should be informed of their responsibilities to the state. Every citizen should be responsible to obey the laws in a nation and maintain orderly conduct. Anarchist nations, such as Somalia, often have a difficult time getting things done, because no one is in charge to make decisions, and those who grow up under such conditions don’t have security and therefore cannot develop skills that could be useful to the nation as a whole. Talents are diminished, and the country is weakened economically.
Citizens should also have the right to law and order, and the right and responsibility to speak out if the government is acting in a way the people disagree with, or when human rights or the environment are being infringed upon. Protesting should be allowed, because when it is prohibited, the country ends up being authoritarian, like Nazi Germany. People should never be persecuted for wanting a voice. Another way to speak out is through participating in politics and voting. This is both a right and a responsibility of citizens.

Citizens also have the responsibility to be civil toward one another as a whole. I believe that even if you don’t like the way another person is living their life, the religion they choose, or what they value, you still need to treat them with respect. Nations should not be prejudiced towards any group of people. I realize this is largely unattainable, but if it is a clear expectation of the people, and they put in real effort, I think the general population would become much more accepting.  I think Canada has done a relatively good job with this concept. We have a very diverse population, and less violence and chaos due to it than other nations do. I strongly believe in citizen advocacy, which is standing up for the rights and values of the disadvantaged in society. I believe that it is a responsibility of citizens to; if they see an issue with how an individual or group is treated, stand up for them. After all, a nation is only as strong as its weakest link.

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