A Summary

My views will never be extreme in nature. I see value in both sides of political and economic debates. However, I do have my own beliefs. I believe in a democratic socialist government, with a mixed economy. Citizens have the responsibility to respect the laws established by the government, but they have the right to protest them. Citizens should be aware of politics in the nation, and participate and make their voice heard. It is crucial that we speak out, either to affirm the choices our government is making, or to urge them to change. Nothing will happen if we remain silent about issues that matter.

Edmund Burke
We should feel free to voice our beliefs, because when we hear other viewpoints, it gives us a chance to grow and learn more about the world. In order for growth to take place, however, we need to respect the fact that others have different ideas, and be open minded and open hearted. We are so privileged to live in such a diverse country like Canada, and such a diverse world!

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