In Defense of Ideology
September Attacks |
I believe that it is important for people to defend their
ideology. Far too often people have opinions, but are not willing to defend
them. I don’t believe in defending one’s ideology violently. That just shows insecurity
in the ideology. When you really believe in something, you believe that it will
overcome all odds. So there should be no purpose in hurting others. I believe
that people should defend their ideology as long as it doesn’t purposely injure
anyone, including themselves. We shouldn’t be afraid to die for what we believe
in, but we also shouldn’t try to kill ourselves to prove a point, like the
suicide bombers on September 9, 2001 in the United States. They succeeded in
causing terror, but in the long run it resulted in their ideology taking a hit.
No good can come out of that kind of violence. Every situation is different,
however. What is appropriate in one situation may be completely frowned upon in
another. One way that I would gauge whether or not the measures are acceptable
would be to determine whether any human rights are being violated. During the
September attacks on the Twin Towers, countless people’s human rights were
violated. That was too far.
I believe that everyone has a right to believe in
what they want. There is nothing we can do to make people see things our way. I
think everyone should be able to voice their opinions, as long as they are respectful
and open-minded while doing so. Ideological differences are meant to be
embraced and leveraged. Having multiple viewpoints in a society makes the
entire nation stronger.
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